When working with research, innovation and new technology, network and cooperation are inevitable components. CAI-X aims to support both researchers, clinicians, private enterprises etc. by making it easier to find and reach out to collaborators.
The list below is a non-comprehensive list of networks, associations etc. working with AI in healthcare. Please contact us at, if you have additions to the list.
SPKI (Senter for Pasientnær Kunstig Intelligens / The Norwegian Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence) is a collaboration between the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN), UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Helse Nord RHF. The aim is to facilitate development and use of clinical decision support tools based on artificial intelligence by connecting clinical expertise with researchers on machine learning and technology.
RAIN (Regional AI Network) is a network on AI in healthcare. The network is directed at employees working with AI in the Region of Southern Denmark.
RAIT (Radiological Artificial Intelligence Test Centre) is a new test centre for AI in radiology established by hospitals in the Capital Region of Denmark.
DIREC (Digital Research Centre Denmark) aims to expand the capacity within research, innovation and education in digital technologies in Denmark. The centre is conducted by a consortium consisting of the computer science departments at seven Danish universities and the Alexandra Institute.
CEBMO (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Odense) is a research and resource centre which researches evidence-based medicine and clinical research method, teaches and guides students in evidence based medicine such as systematic reviews and meta analysis.
Algorithms, Data & Democracy (ADD project) is a 10-year interdisciplinary research and communication project running until 2031. The ADD project works to ensure that democracy is strengthened by digital development through research, increased understanding of technology, digital education and dialogue.
The Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark is the central division for health innovation in the Region of Southern Denmark. SDSI supports the Regional Council and the Group Management in converting the regional innovation strategy into actions and value creation.
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark conducts research within artificial intelligence, robotics, drone technology, I4.0, software as well as health and energy informatics.
CIMT is a research and innovation centre bridging Odense University Hospital (OUH) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). CIMT promotes innovation and research in new medical technologies, such as telemedicine, apps, artificial intelligence, patient reported outcomes, robots, virtual reality, drones etc.
CCR is a joint research and innovation centre for clinical robotics between Odense University Hospital (OUH) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). CCR aims to improve treatment and workflows in hospitals by bridging robot technology and the needs and wishes of the health care sector.