Implementation of clinical artificial intelligence in healthcare in Denmark
In 2023, the Danish Robusthedskommission recommended the use of e.g. artificial intelligence (AI) to help free up time for hospital staff to perform essential duties. Successful use of AI algorithms could provide patients with faster answers when it comes to medical imaging, in turn leading to faster relevant treatment or discharge. The time saved by staff in reviewing images could then be redirected to patient care.
Project period
Start: 1 March 2024
Based on the recommendations made by Robusthedskommissionen and the available research within the field of artificial intelligence and diagnostic imaging, this project seeks to identify where and how AI technology can lead to improvements for both staff and patients in the Emergency Department at Odense University Hospital (OUH).
The project will do this through three sub-projects that will:
- Investigate facilitating and hindering factors in the implementation process of artificial intelligence for medical imaging through a literature review, including possible ethical considerations.
- Evaluate an artificial intelligence algorithm approved according to Regulatory EU standards (CE marking), which can identify bone fractures in X-rays and test it on already available X-ray images.
- Explore the potential of such an algorithm in the Emergency Department at OUH. Patients are randomly allocated to a test group with the algorithm and a control group following the standard pathway through the Emergency Department unchanged. Radiologists and musculoskeletal specialists will still review the captured X-ray images the next workday and contact the patient in case of any changes, regardless of which group they belong to.
The project could potentially address the challenges faced in the future healthcare sector.
UNIFY - Radiology Research and Innovation Unit
Department of Radiology, OUH

Sabine Morris Delhez
PhD Student
Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology