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Official kickoff of the EUCanScreen project

This week marks the official kickoff of the large EU project EUCanScreen, which will run until 2028.

EUCanScreen's kickoff is held this week in Riga, Latvia, attended by CAI-X Project Managers Maiken Overbeck Wolderslund and Line Maria Simonsen as well as Senior Researcher Iben Fasterholdt.

The EUCanScreen project aims to put forward a new EU-Supported Cancer Screening Scheme to help ensure that 90% of the EU population who qualify for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings are offered participation in the programme.

In addition to optimising existing population-based cancer screening programmes, EUCanScreen will facilitate the implementation of the screening programmes recently recommended by the European Commission for lung, prostate and gastric cancers.

The project involves a consortium with 29 partnering countries, consisting of 25 EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Ukraine, and Moldova, 59 affiliated partners, and 10 associated partners.

The project is coordinated by the University of Latvia and the Region of Southern Denmark, and CAI-X acts as the Competence Authority in Denmark, with responsibilities to coordinate the Danish efforts.

Read more about the project here.