PATINA Algorithm
Full title: Prevention of AcuTe admIssioN Algorithm (PATINA)
Project period
Start: January 2020
End: December 2022
It is well-known that diseases, functional loss, and use of health care services increase with age. The ongoing population ageing will challenge health care systems in the years to come. Not only are the number of in-patient hospital beds being reduced, but the number of people in the workforce will be fewer in the future. Preventive measures are therefore needed more than ever to keep resources in balance with demands.
Elderly people represent a very heterogenous age group in terms of functions and health care needs. But those who receive municipal home care belong to a particularly vulnerable group and are at the highest risk of acute illness and hospitalisation. A previous research project showed that acute hospitalisation among 70+ year olds occurs after a significant increase in time provided for municipal home care. Based on this finding, a sentinel algorithm has been developed to monitor the use of municipal home care at individual level.
The aim was to test and validate the effect of a sentinel algorithm applied on healthcare data for early recognition of elderly community-dwelling adults at risk of acute hospital admission. A stepped-wedge randomised controlled study was launched in Odense, Kerteminde and Svendborg municipalities as part of an industrial PhD project.
- Department of Cross-sectoral Collaboration, Region of Southern Denmark
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU
- The Dept. of Clinical Research, Geriatric Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark
- The Dept. of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital
- The Dept. of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark
- Centre for Innovative Medical Technology

Karen Andersen-Ranberg
Professor, Chief Physician
Odense University Hospital, Department of Geriatric Medicine
(+45) 6550 3038

Uffe Kock Wiil
Professor, Head of Unit
University of Southern Denmark, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
(+45) 66 15 76 97
Anders Fournaise
Industrial PhD student
Department of Cross-sectoral Collaboration
(+45) 24 82 43 15